Pre-K4 Information
Safety and Health: Handwashing and hand sanitizer will be used frequently throughout the day. All tables, toys, etc. are sanitized daily. Toys, blankets, and other items from home are not permitted.
Arrival/Dismissal: School starts at 8:00, doors open at 7:50. Dismissal begins at 2:50. Please notify the office and their teacher if your child will be absent, late or leaving early.
Uniform/change of clothes : Students may wear gym uniforms,(navy shorts/sweatpants) or khakis with navy, gray or white polo or tee shirts. Please send in a complete change of clothes for emergencies.
Snack/Water bottle: Snack request slips will be sent home when snacks are needed for our classroom supply.Students should bring a water bottle each day. We will refill water bottles when needed.
Lunch: Full day students pack a peanut/tree nut free lunch.
Pizza Fridays- students will have the option to buy pizza.Lunch Bunch is available for our half day students-12:40 dismissal. Check with your child’s teacher for details if interested.
Rest Mats/Rest Time: New, full day students will need to purchase a rest mat through school. The cost is $32, cash or check is accepted. Please make checks payable to St Cornelius. Rest time is 12:50-1:30
Curriculum: We follow the guidelines from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania State guidelines.
Handwriting Program- Zaner- Bloser ABC 123
Religion Program - Our Sunday Visitor “I Am Special”
We will pray and thank God many times a day.
We will celebrate with Mass and Prayer Services.
Weekly Reader/Science Spin magazines- a fantastic reading, writing, science, social studies.
Progress reports and conferences November and June progress reports November and need based conferences
Specials: (Begin in October)
Music with Mrs. Melchiore
Spanish with Miss Gabby
Library TBD
Birthdays: We happily celebrate their special day! Treats may be sent in but they must be bought and packaged. Examples are water ice cups, ice cream cups. Due to possible allergies, please check with your child’s teacher before you purchase something.
Star Student: Each student will have a chance to be the star student for the week. The students look forward to being the star student and have many responsibilities throughout the week. They will receive a poster, crown, and sticker on the Friday prior to their week. Please fill out the poster with your child and send it back to school during their week. They will share their poster with the class and then have questions or comments from their peers. This helps the children build confidence when speaking in front of others.
Adventure Balloon: The students will paint a hot air balloon on the first day of school. Each week a different student will take their balloon home for the weekend. Please assist your child with writing their weekend adventures. Photos make it extra interesting when they share their “adventure balloons” with the class!
Classroom Reading and Book Club: The children will have a R.E.D. folder (read every day). The children will pick a book from our classroom library to be read at home every day. Please fill in their reading log inside the RED folder. They will “go to the prize box” when they fill up 1 log sheet.Daily reading helps children to learn sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills. It also stimulates their imagination and curiosity and teaches the value of books and stories.
Scholastic Book Orders- Book order flyers will be sent home with your child monthly. Purchases can be made online or with the paper order form. All orders will earn reward points for books for our classroom library.
Before and Aftercare: Before care begins at 7:00 am. Please email Mrs. Anderson ([email protected]), the night before if you need care before school. Aftercare is available on Monday through Friday. Please email Abigail McCusker 24 hours in advance ([email protected]) and send notification to the teacher if they will be going to aftercare.
After School Activities: After School Club, Soccer Club, Science Explorers - Mrs. Anderson will teach Science Explorers.(Information will be sent home via email and in students’ folders.)
Volunteers : (must have all required clearances)
Homeroom Parents- We will ask for 2 parents to help coordinate events throughout the year. Mrs. Cloutier and Mrs. Lewis have volunteered to be our homeroom moms.
Lunch/Recess Duty- We ask parents to help out at lunch / recess. (11:40-12:40)
Secret Reader- We will have “surprise” guest readers. Students are so excited when family members are able to join us to read a book!
Any changes will be communicated via email and Class DOJO.
Please visit our school and teacher webpages often.
Check out our facebook and Instagram.
We are all so excited for the school year to begin!!!
Safety and Health: Handwashing and hand sanitizer will be used frequently throughout the day. All tables, toys, etc. are sanitized daily. Toys, blankets, and other items from home are not permitted.
Arrival/Dismissal: School starts at 8:00, doors open at 7:50. Dismissal begins at 2:50. Please notify the office and their teacher if your child will be absent, late or leaving early.
Uniform/change of clothes : Students may wear gym uniforms,(navy shorts/sweatpants) or khakis with navy, gray or white polo or tee shirts. Please send in a complete change of clothes for emergencies.
Snack/Water bottle: Snack request slips will be sent home when snacks are needed for our classroom supply.Students should bring a water bottle each day. We will refill water bottles when needed.
Lunch: Full day students pack a peanut/tree nut free lunch.
Pizza Fridays- students will have the option to buy pizza.Lunch Bunch is available for our half day students-12:40 dismissal. Check with your child’s teacher for details if interested.
Rest Mats/Rest Time: New, full day students will need to purchase a rest mat through school. The cost is $32, cash or check is accepted. Please make checks payable to St Cornelius. Rest time is 12:50-1:30
Curriculum: We follow the guidelines from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania State guidelines.
Handwriting Program- Zaner- Bloser ABC 123
Religion Program - Our Sunday Visitor “I Am Special”
We will pray and thank God many times a day.
We will celebrate with Mass and Prayer Services.
Weekly Reader/Science Spin magazines- a fantastic reading, writing, science, social studies.
Progress reports and conferences November and June progress reports November and need based conferences
Specials: (Begin in October)
Music with Mrs. Melchiore
Spanish with Miss Gabby
Library TBD
Birthdays: We happily celebrate their special day! Treats may be sent in but they must be bought and packaged. Examples are water ice cups, ice cream cups. Due to possible allergies, please check with your child’s teacher before you purchase something.
Star Student: Each student will have a chance to be the star student for the week. The students look forward to being the star student and have many responsibilities throughout the week. They will receive a poster, crown, and sticker on the Friday prior to their week. Please fill out the poster with your child and send it back to school during their week. They will share their poster with the class and then have questions or comments from their peers. This helps the children build confidence when speaking in front of others.
Adventure Balloon: The students will paint a hot air balloon on the first day of school. Each week a different student will take their balloon home for the weekend. Please assist your child with writing their weekend adventures. Photos make it extra interesting when they share their “adventure balloons” with the class!
Classroom Reading and Book Club: The children will have a R.E.D. folder (read every day). The children will pick a book from our classroom library to be read at home every day. Please fill in their reading log inside the RED folder. They will “go to the prize box” when they fill up 1 log sheet.Daily reading helps children to learn sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills. It also stimulates their imagination and curiosity and teaches the value of books and stories.
Scholastic Book Orders- Book order flyers will be sent home with your child monthly. Purchases can be made online or with the paper order form. All orders will earn reward points for books for our classroom library.
Before and Aftercare: Before care begins at 7:00 am. Please email Mrs. Anderson ([email protected]), the night before if you need care before school. Aftercare is available on Monday through Friday. Please email Abigail McCusker 24 hours in advance ([email protected]) and send notification to the teacher if they will be going to aftercare.
After School Activities: After School Club, Soccer Club, Science Explorers - Mrs. Anderson will teach Science Explorers.(Information will be sent home via email and in students’ folders.)
Volunteers : (must have all required clearances)
Homeroom Parents- We will ask for 2 parents to help coordinate events throughout the year. Mrs. Cloutier and Mrs. Lewis have volunteered to be our homeroom moms.
Lunch/Recess Duty- We ask parents to help out at lunch / recess. (11:40-12:40)
Secret Reader- We will have “surprise” guest readers. Students are so excited when family members are able to join us to read a book!
Any changes will be communicated via email and Class DOJO.
Please visit our school and teacher webpages often.
Check out our facebook and Instagram.
We are all so excited for the school year to begin!!!